A year already?! It doesn't seem like a year, that's for sure. It seems like just yesterday we were ordering our first set of items for our first drop! Man, what a year it has been. I would be lying if I said it was just a breeze and everything went according to plan. LOL This year has been BUMPY let me tell you. And don't get me wrong, we knew it wouldn't be easy. We both have worked in this industry for years, we've been behind the scenes and we knew their would be hiccups along the way; as there is with any business. This year has basically been an entire learning curve for the both of us. When you have seen it done one way or another for so long and then you realize that isn't necessarily THE way, it's a challenge pivoting to see what works best for you and your own personal business. But that's the beauty of it all isn't it? Making your business your own and not a shadow of someone elses, that's been our goal from the start. But besides all of that I think one of the hardest things this year was learning not to take things too personally and to move ahead regardless of the circumstances. Let me just say I am SO glad that Jesus knows the truth in everything no matter the picture people might want to paint. We've gained customers and lost some. We've been scammed by "investors" (that in and of itself is still crazy for me to say out loud HAHA). 10/10 Don't recommend falling for something that seems too good to be true, planning your entire business model around it and then realizing it's completely fake. We wasted lots of tears and whole lot more money LOL. And before you start asking too many questions, yes we met with these people in person multiple times, it wasn't an online thing HAHA. Looking past all of the rough patches, this year has been more than rewarding and we are ready to take on the next 10. We have never been more grateful for the customers and friends who have stuck by us from the beginning AND to the new ones who have come along the way. We will never be able to thank you enough. We were able to launch a Fierce Fighters collection in October and met some of the most amazing women in the process, we had our biggest day in sales on Pink Friday (can't wait for this year), we had countless vendor events and we moved into a warehouse. All in all the first year of business didn't bring us down, if anything it made us even more ready for what's to come because we aren't going anywhere! 


There's no way we could have made it through this year without two of the most important people, our moms! They have been with us from the very get go. helping us load, set up and unload for events, packaging orders, tagging items, cleaning, organizing, modeling; and did we mention moral support?! You name it. if we needed it, they were there to provide it. We have the biggest fans within our moms and we couldn't ask for more. We love you guys so much!



Here's to another year!! 

XOXO, Danielle & Whit

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